Wednesday, 9 June 2010

I Am What I Am

A few years ago, I made a bit of a mess of my life. That's actually a huge understatement, I made a series of really fucking mahoosive cock-ups. 

Anyway, when I launched myself out of the other end, I vowed to actually live my life, take responsibility for my actions and make a number changes. I vowed to:
  • Be kind to people - more so than expected
  • Be generous - to a fault
  • Be giving and loving - to wear my heart on my sleeve
  • To say sorry (clearly only when I actually was, how often that is, is another issue)
  • Live my life, not the life I was expected to live
  • Be happy - really, really happy
  • Work extremely hard
  • Live a cleaner lifestyle
  • Don't be lead by the crowd
  • Try something new every month
So I have tried incredibly hard to do the majority of these and i'm pleased to say that, in the main, I have succeeded. People say i'm a mug and that people take the mickey out of me, but I think this is a quality to be admired, not scowled at. I have also worked stupidly hard and had great achievements at work, of which i'm really proud. 

So why am I telling you this? Because I want to show off my Burlesque photos!!! Recently I have completed a carpentry course, an astronomy course and most importantly, a Burlesque course. 

It was incredible, all girls together (boys behave), we dressed up in feathers, wiggled our bums & boobs a lot, learned how to style Burlesque/50's hair and make-up and wore the sexiest of underwear and high heals! It made me feel like a different person, full of confidence, sexy and VAVAVAVAVAVOOM!!! 

I'm waiting for the rest of the photos, but here's the first. Say what you like, I felt like the sexiest girl on the planet, so don't even bother telling me otherwise as it'll be water off a duck's back ;)

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