Monday, 21 June 2010

Change of Heart...Again???

That's right, a few hours after my last post, I changed my mind about said man. 
I honestly have no idea why this happens. My Mam keeps telling me that i'm just "not giving them time"...but time for what?! Vast improvements? Personality enhancements? I just have this feeling that when I meet the one, I will know straight away. I don't want to have to grow into it, I want to feel WOW * BANG # ARGHHHH ^ WOOHOO + YIPPEEEE! I'm not looking for Mr. Perfect, i'm looking for Mr. Perfect For Me. What's wrong with holding out for that?

So, the quest continues. To be honest, I can hardly be bothered and as I have recently eaten my way to the size of a Walrus, I doubt they will be bothered too. 

So, roll on next weekend, that's when the next auditions begin.
A real man: He'll never stand you up, let you down, will reassure you when you feel insecure & comfort you after a bad day. He'll inspire you to do things you never thought you could do. He'll enable you to express your deepest emotions & most intimate desires. He'll make sure you always feel beautiful & will enable yo...u to be confident, sexy, seductive, & invincible.

No wait... sorry... I'm thinking of wine.

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